Friday, January 2, 2015


Amazing Photo Used With Permission by Krysdecker on Deviantart!
Born in the ancient temple-fortress of Karabor, Yrel was originally training to be a priestess, like her uncle-figure and mentor, Vele. However, that changed when a being introduced only as Catalyst appeared before the Draenei. He described the coming events that he had forseen, including the deaths of many thousands of Draenei to a demonically-controlled Orcish Horde. While many amongst the Draenei favored a preemptive strike, Yrel advised her "uncle" that it would be far better to convince the orc clans of the evil posed by the Legion, starting with their neighbor and highly-respected orcish leader, Ner'zhul.

The meeting with Ner'zhul was disrupted almost devastatingly by a pack of eredar, summoned by Gul'dan secretly, pretended to be Draenei and attacked the meeting. The three guards that had come with her and Velenara were slain, as were Ner'zhul's own guards, and as the last eredar prepared to strike down Velen, she claimed the crystal war-mace of a fallen Vindicator and slew him.

From then on, she swore to defend the innocent from the Legion, and immediately began training as a paladin. Taking to the training like a fish to water, she quickly rose both in power and rank, until she was personally handpicked along with Maraad to be the military leaders of the Draenei, subordinate only to Catalyst himself and, technically, to Velen.

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