Friday, January 9, 2015

The Council of Twelve

Made up of the Orcish and Draenei leaders that swore their aid and fealty to Harry Potter, the Council of Twelve are Harry's highest advisers (besides his lovers, naturally) and highest-ranking officers of war. While to an outsider it may seem unbalanced in favor of the orcs, this is far from true. given the more cohesive leadership of the Draenei, due to the fact that it was Velenara alone who led them from Argus to Draenor. This, as opposed to the Orcish clans being separate entities, has lead to only four of The Twelve being members of that race. The other eight members are the chieftains of the various Orcish tribes that were smart enough to listen to one Harry Potter when he showed up and warned them about the Burning Legion's trickery. Those tribes that refused were the first to suffer punitive action for siding with the Burning Legion.

The Council is made up of the following members:

Grommash Hellscream: Chieftain of the Warsong.

Durotan: Chieftain of the Frostwolves.

Azuka: Chieftain of the Burning Blade.

Ner’zhul: Chieftain of the Shadowmoon. Highly respected.

Orgrim Doomhammer: Chieftain of the Blackrock.

Kaz the Shrieker: Chieftain of the Laughing Skull, second mate of Durotan.

Rexxar: Chieftain of the Mok’Nathal. Technically more of a philosophy than a clan, but many are half-ogre.

Fenris the Hunter: Chieftain of the Thunderlord, eldest Frostfwolf sibling.

Prophet Velen: Overall leader of the Draenei

High-Priestess Ishanah

Vindicator Maarad

Vindicator Yrel

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