Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Command Structure of an Imperial Legion of Avalon

While each legion has its specialty, due to the clans of Draenor that make up its ranks having said specialty, each is equally deadly in any field of battle and are organized in much the same way.

Senior Command Staff

Legatus Legionis: the overall commander of that particular legion. usually the chieftain of the dominant clan, but not necessarily. Also the most experienced and deadly combatant of the Legion, who nevertheless is well-protected when the engage in combat, as their first priority is management and control of their legion during pitched battle. Legatus Legionis also act as provincial governors when necessary. Modern equivalent would be a Four Star General. Referred to in general conversation as the Legatus

Tribunes Primus: The second in command of the Legion, the Tribunes Primus has nominal command if the Legatus cannot be reached, dies, or is otherwise incapacitated. naturally, is the second most experienced and lethal member of the legion. Modern equivalent would be a Brigadier General or a Major General. Referred to in general conversation as the Primus

Praefectus Castorum: the Camp Prefect, he is in charge of the staff that manages the day-to-day affairs of the legion, such as supplies, setting up the encampment, etc. Third in overall command, the closest equivalent would be a Colonel.

Tribuni Secondari: The staff of the Praefectus, they serve as the administrative staff for the higher ranking officers, handling the day-to-day affairs of the Legion and keeping the Legatus informed of the details. Modern day equivalent would likely be Majors. Reffered to as the Tribuni in general conversation.

Primus Pilus: the "First Rank" is the most senior officer of the general infantry in the Legion. While is is 'only' a centurion, he is the most experienced of the group and commands the First Cohort and is on the short list for a Command rank. Equivalent would be that of a Captain or a Major in a modern military.

Mid-Level Ranks

Centurions: Each Centurion commands one of the Legion's Centuria, a group of 80-100 combat troops. Each Centurion is promoted through the ranks of their Cohort (a group of !0 Centuria) before being promoted into the lowest rank of the next Cohort. In other words, the Centurion of the 6th Centuria, 10th Cohort, works his way ip to Centurion of the 1st Centuria, 10th Cohort. This makes him the highest ranking officer of the 10th Cohort. he can then be promoted to 6th Centuria, 9th Cohort, etc. Modern equivalent would be a warrant officer through to captain, ddepending on which centuria and cohort they were in/commanded.

Low-level Ranks

Principales: Modern day equivalent would be non-commissioned officers. Respected veterans that the younger officers listen to for advice and counsel. There are several levels of Principales.

  1. Aquilifier: A highly prestigious and respected post, this soldier is tasked with carrying the emblem of the Legion, and entrusted with its well-being. From here, a soldier is promoted to Centurion Rank.
  2. Signifier: Bascially that Centuria's quartermaster, he is responsible for the men's pay and supplies. In combat, he would carry the flag of each individual Centuria or Cohort, depending on his position. Like the Aquilifier, this was an important post.
  3. Cornificen: This soldier, or soldiers, have the task of passing on commands from the officers to the general soldiers, usually from his position by the signifier. Until the advent of radios, this post could best be compared to that of the bugler or the drummer, as each series of balsts is a different command.

Everyone Else
here you have your run-of-the-mill soldiers, support staff, and supply train. Essential to the working of each Legion, since they form its overwhelming majority, but none are any greater than the other.

The Companions of the Imperator

As the lovers and wives of the Imperator, as well as his closest friends and comrades, The Companions of the Imperator take their name from the meaning of the ancient word Hetaira and its most popular use, the Companions of Alexander the Great. While the Companions of Macedon were all in fact male, they were Alexander's close friends and elite bodyguards. The Companions of the Imperator simply take the "bodyguard" aspect one step further into the carnal and romantic field.

Widely respected and honored, the Companions never travel without at least a half-dozen guards, though all of them are perfectly capable of defending themselves long enough to escape any ambush that was foolish enough to attack them, if they did not simply crush it off-hand. each speaks with the authority of the Imperator Himself in all matters, whether they be personal or affairs of State.

In the military field, each is regarded as second only to the Imperator himself, and any orders from them are to be obeyed as such.

Attempts to get 'familiar' with one of The Companions is tantamount to a death sentence, as each member is deeply loyal to their husband and sister wives, and defend that bond with vigour bordering on savage brutality. Indeed, it is considered better to be caught by the Imperator or one of the Legates themselves, as they will most likely simply kill you. The Companions, however, are more likely to make one suffer.

List of the Companions of the Imperator (Partial to avoid Spoliers)
Alleria Windrunner
Vereesa Windrunner
Sylvanas Windrunner
More To Follow


Like Nimue, Luna is not usually involved in pitch combat, instead acting as an adviser and supportive presence to the Imperator. However, her main benefit to Avalon is her connection to Elune, and through her to the Night Elves. This allows her to remain deeply informed of Alliance activity, as well as the happenings on Azeroth in general, making the intelligence she provides utterly invaluable. She is widely regarded as a Seer by both the Draenei and the Orcs, though the sun-worshipping Arrakoa view her connection to the moon with some amusement, or even outright contempt in the more lunatic fringes.

Amusingly, of the Companions numbers, she is the one the ogres fear most. After one of them attempted to kidnap her in an effort to claim the title of Imperator for himself, she not only freed herself but, in a vicious display of Charms and Transfiguration, fused him, still alive, with the arch above the main gate of Highmaul, a carved placard under his name detailing what would happen to the next idiot that tried to hurt her family.

Any attempts to claim the throne halted from that day forth.

Rarely engaging in combat due to her advisory status, she is nonetheless a powerful mage in her own right and more than capable of holding her own for the sake of her loved ones.

Height: 5 foot 9 inches
Weight: About 135 pounds
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde
Likes: her family, her friends, the Mother Moon, and the Night Elves
Dislikes: Cruelty, Evil, Bullies

Nimue (Nymphadora Tonks)

Taking on a new name, the former Nymphadora Tonks became known as Nimue, after the legendary Lady of the Lake. While she is out of her depth in the fields of field army-level strategy and tactics, her studies as an Auror have given her a firm grasp of small-unit tactics. This, in particular her training for Infiltration and Recon, combined with her innate ability transformed her into the most dangerous spy and assassin that Avalon possesses, greater even than Garona and her Shadows.

While her specialty usually doesn't involve pitched combat, but rather ambushes or assassinations, Nimue nevertheless enjoys the thrill and dance with danger that comes with being in the middle of a heated, brutal struggle with an adversary.

Like many of the other combat-trained Companions, she is considered a part of the last line of defense should any threat make it past Tenth Legion.

Height: Variable, usually about six feet
Weight: variable, usually about 175 pounds
Eyes: Variable, usually hazel
Hair: Variable, usually dark brown with deep purple stripes
Likes: Harry, Luna, sister wives, a good fight
Dislikes: Boredom, The Burning Legion, generalized evil actions

Name: Pronounced Nym-uh-way