Sunday, February 8, 2015

Legio XII Fulminata

Led by the self-exiled eldest brother Frostwolf, Fenris Wolfbrother, aka Fenris the Hunter, the Legion of Lightning has a significantly lower infantry complement than most of the other clans, as their clan providers the vast majority of the War-Wings that form the Legion's heavy air support. As such, their few ground forces act as heavy cavalry, riding their massive war-elekk into battle to support the faster wolf-riders and smaller Elekk knights.

Legio XI Lupus

Formed mostly from the members of the Frostwolf clan and their frost wolf companions, The Wolves act as scouts, skirmishers, and wolf-riders in support of the units led by the Legio I Infernus.
Durotan, the oldest of Garad's sons still in the Frostwolf Clan, is still young but has learned much of war and leadership during the campaigns across Draenor.

Legio X Imperator

Much like the legendary Legio X Equestris, Ceasar's Tenth Mounted Legion that later formed the original Praetorian Guard, the Imperial Tenth is the personal guard of the Imperial Family and of their seat of power, the fortress of Highmaul. As such, they are lead by the First Companion of the Imperator, Alleria Windrunner herself, and take as their symbol the rampant gryphon of the Potter family. As the Imperator has no desire to show favoritism to any of the sub-groups in his newly formed Empire, the Tenth has members from every single one of those subgroups, although any Ogre members are placed in cohorts with higher numbers of orc and draenei to ensure that said ogres do not try anything stupid like attempting to harm the Imperator or his Companions. Each member is hand-picked by the leader of their clan or faction, and as such are amongst the most elite of combatants alive.

Legio IX Immobilis

Formed almost exclusively of Draenei Protection Paladins, with it's commander, Yrel being one of the few, if not the only, Retribution Paladins in it's ranks. Hardly, if ever, deployed to the first or second lines, the Legio IX Immobilis, the "Unmovable Ninth" not only has the duty of protecting the spellcasters and rear echelons, but of forming a walking wall should the assault legions be forced to withdraw from the field. With their significant physical defense abilities, combined with their incredible Light-given defenses, they can slowly retreat in order to ensure the protection of their wounded, retreating comrades.

Legio VIII Gravis

When the Gorian Empire's former leadership fell with the death of Imperator Mar'gok, his killer became the new Imperator, according to ogre tradition. As such, the now-Imperator Harry gave trusted warrior and brother of Durotan Ga'nar leadership of the only ogres allowed to bear arms, that of the 7th Legion. Living battering rams, the ogres and their ogron and gronnling minions form the pentultamite problem solvers of the Legions of Avalon. Essentially used as living battering rams, they are sent in whenever an enemy line or fortification is proving more stubborn than usual, or an allied force needs immediate, heavy relief.

Legio VII Percutio

Led by the long-lost son of Terokk, Rukhmari, the Legio VII Percutio is the somewhat under-strength heavy rapid-strike support legion of Avalon. Given their avian natures, the Arakkoa are less inclined towards the line of battle, and instead were dedicated to ambushes, scouting, or mid-night air raids in support of the War-Wing flights of the various Orc clans.

Legio VI Rapax

The Devouring Legion, led by the shamaness called Kaz the Shrieker, is so named not for any cannibalistic traditions, but the fang-filled skulls that they wear over their faces ask masks, in remembrance of their fallen. Primarily Laughing Skull orcs, this legion forms the second center line, supporting any wounded or exhausted units from the primary line and plugging gaps where needed.

Legio V Revinco

Let by the Draenei Vidicator Maraad, one of the most legendary Paladins of that race, the Draenei Fifth Legion is one of the supporting legions to the cavalry flankers, alongside the orcish Legio I Infernus.

Legio IV Victrix

 Led by the renowned warrior, Orgrim Doomhammer, this primarily Blacrock-composed legion assists in the forming of the center line, taking up position on both sides of the Legio III Invicta. While a few members of this clan joined Blackhand in his failed attempt to kill Harry and his companions, Doomhammer challenged the older orc to a deathmatch, and killed him to claim the title of Warlord.

Legio III Invicta

Lead by the legendary warrior and warlord, Grommash Hellscream, this legion is made up mostly of the members of his own clan, the Warsong, and forms the solid, unbeatable center line of Avalon's battle formations. The Warsong are always the first ones into the fight, and the last ones out, and that is just how they like it.

Legio II Umbra

"The Shadow Legion", as it is sometimes called, is composed Primarily of the powerful shamans of the Shadowmoon Clan, led by their highly respected and powerful leader, Ner'zhul. Given their lack of brute strength melee fighters, they fill a greater support role, taking their place with the magic-wielders and the archers.
This does not, however, make them any less dangerous than the close-combat clans, such as the Warsong or the Blackrock.

Legio I Infernus

Formed primarily, though not exclusively, from members of the Burning Blade clan, Legio I Infernus takes great pride in their duties. While not members of the heavy, center line legions such as the Blackrock or Warsong, they never the less are of drastic importance due to their assignment as the infantry support for the flanking cavalry pincers.
Lead by their Warlord, Azuka, after she slew her own father in Mok'gora over the issue of joining Harry's faction.